Acupuncture and Auriculotherapy
Acupuncture is an ancient technique that involves stimulating specific points on the body's energy channels and/or in the auricle, using very fine needles. It is based on activating the body's healing capacity to balance the energy currents. Both acupuncture and auriculotherapy are highly effective in relieving pain and symptoms associated with physical and emotional illnesses by stabilising and regulating the body's meridians and energy points. This allows a state of holistic wellbeing to be achieved on an organic, physical, emotional, mental and energetic level.
The procedures applied in each of the therapeutic modalities are in accordance with the protocols and/or therapeutic guidelines that are academically accepted and recognised by the scientific societies specialising in the field:
- The initial consultation lasts 60 to 90 minutes and is aimed at a comprehensive assessment of the patient's physical, mental, emotional and spiritual dimensions, with intervention through one or more therapeutic modalities.
- The follow-up consultation lasts 40 to 60 minutes and includes the application of the therapeutic interventions defined in the previously designed therapeutic plan.
In acupuncture, the school of Traditional Chinese Medicine is followed, while in auriculotherapy, the school of Paul Nogier is applied. The therapy consists of stimulating specific points on the body's energy channels and/or in the auricular pavilion using very fine needles. Its main objective is to activate the healing capacity of the organism and to balance the energy currents, thus promoting the overall well-being of the person.